Friday 28 March 2014

Importance of Google and Blog Related Information

Dear Friends (From ISA [Ameed's Classmates]),
If you have been focussing on IT class in grade nine, at some point, we learnt a little bit about blogger, blogging and blog spots. Well, this is it! You are in a blog if you don't know. This blog will mainly consist of our class works and some fun events we may be facing or had experience, etc. Basically, anything publicly related to our school education matters. Recently, I've been addressing the solution for our SBAs being 'accidentally' purposely removed, virally hidden, etc. So I've created a few folders for a few of my close friends in my Google Drive for you to upload in the cloud (Google Drive) and not even worrying of your laptop being theft (which you should be worried about by the way). It's completely secure, no one can possibly be looking at your folder, it's just for you. But, you need to have a google account to actually access them. So Google account is really helpful. And for Business students or pupils who are just browsing this blog and want to comment on a post (yes, you can do that), you NEED TO HAVE A GOOGLE ACCOUNT. If you don't know to create a Google Account (it's the same as gmail), then WHY ARE YOU USING YOUR COMPUTER.
In case you don't know how to comment, go click on the heading of the post you want to comment on, and at the bottom of the post, you can type your comment (of course while being signed in your Google Account) and just hit comment.
So that's all for now, any queries: ask in school, comment on any blog (of course related blog) or e-mail me if you have my e-mail.

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